За Нас

Нина Бокс фешан е Ексклузивен увозник на брендот NINA BOX Made with Swarovski elements.


Време е да  да го збогатиме изборот и понудата на ексклузивен дизајниран накит во Македонија по цени прифатливи за секого.

Нашата цел е сите наши клиенти да бидат задоволни. Насмевка на сечие лице при отворање на Нина Бох кутиите. Ке бидеме присутни за сите ваши потреби и ќе ви помогнеме да ја изразите вашата убавина на уникатен начин со уникатен дизајн.

 Нудиме широк асортиман на производи потпишани од нашата дизајнерка Nina. Ланчиња, алки, обетки, прстени, сетови и Патентиран дизајн и колекции на НИНА БОХ. Накитот е изработен од исклучително квалитетен материјал (платиниум, 925 сребро, 18К злато), совршена изработка до најситни финеси, согласно со правилата и контроли за квалитет.

 НИНА БОХ ги поседува сите ЕУ сигурносни стандарди и е беспрекорно безбеден за користење.

 НИНА БОХ е француски дизајниран накит изработен со SWAROVSKI кристали. А вие Сега ја имате можноста да купувате накит од познатиот светски бренд НИНА БОХ онлајн директно од вашиот компјутер. Уникатен стајлинг перфекно акцентирана убавина и неодоливи цени

Производите доаѓаат спакувани во кутии брендирани на НИНА БОХ со сертификати за афтентичноста на SWAROVSKI кристалите, и затоа се перфектно добри за изненадување и подарок на саканите и блиски личности

Со љубов Нина Бох





Our company

Founded in 2008, NINABOX is committed to create an original fashion brand jewelry which is the first choice to match the trendy clothes. Ninabox is combining Creativity and vitality to express their elegance jewelry. From the founding day until today, we still insist on using natural colored gemstones and Swarovski crystals in our products. The first offline store opened in Paris was In 2012 and the same year, Nina Box  become the largest cooperator  of Swarovski elements

The principle of our service
1. Your satisfaction motivates us!
2. We are so glad to see that you can gain the surprise when open Ninabox every time.

NINABOX provides professional services to customers: helping to solve the problems after trading, and we would like to get feedback from our customers. For us, every client is part of the great family in NINABOX ' Thus, we recommend a sincere and honest communication - for the reason that you are not only our customers but also our family members.


The world’s best jewelry manufacturing technique

Why do we use the highest plating standard?

1.We have our own plating factory to ensure real gold and the strict criteria of the plating thickness.

2.The physical characteristic of the human body in France and Europe requer us to adopt a higher standard of plating process.

3.Electroplating is one of our care competitiveness, because one of the fighest cost in jewelry industry is plating. More than 90% of the worlds electroplating factory adopt a plating standard less than one-third of ours



Our Designers

We own a team of extremely talented designers who can bring a large influence in jewelry field and also win a lost competitions, such as the International Competition AUDITIONS. Modern simple style, vintage style, the victoria and adorable styles, each of our designers will present their talents by offering their specific designs.From last year Nina Box signed contract with the Paris famouse ballerina EMMA as a chief model. Many of our designs has been used for famous roles in many movies but ours biggest success was in 2014 when we create new collection Party Queen especially for the movie Grace scale of Monaco. Nicole Kidman in mane role with Ninabox pattern jewelry combined with her charm and beauty was completing the hole picture of glamour luxury and look of a princes


Our Operation Team

Here you will find a big family where consist of hundred people, including several departments such as video, photographer, marketing, customer service , technical, HR and finance and a professional ERP system and supply chain system.


Our workshop

There are about 100 professional staffs in our factory. The most skilled workers help us to produce our designs. Base on the drawing paper, they are polishing, plating and assembling, we adopt the most advanced technology to achieve perfection. At the same time, we are also using microscope to assist our production and improve our quality. In fact, 90 % of our products are made of gems in this way. Thus, we can guarantee that our highest quality is totally satisfied with our customers.

Our Quality Control Center


NINABOX is also equipped with a professional team of quality and each piece received by our customers is monitored at 6 measurements ( factory inspection , testing persistence, purity of metal detection , detection of gems, resistance testing, packing detection) Content quality control is as follows: the content of precious metal (eg , the content should reach 92.5 % for silver jewelry ) , the purity of gems, the use of crystals ( not NINABOX adopting Swarovski crystals ) , damage and scratches etc. . Each product complies with an attached certificate of quality.





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